Core of the Soul Nebula


Located in the constellation Cassiopeia, the Soul nebula is an emission nebula at about 7500 light-years away from Earth.

Though this isn’t the cleanest image (the SII data was rather noisy), I am quite content with how it has come out. The right peak truly reminds me of several HST images, which of course brings a smile to my face.

I’ve included a starless version to show off some of the nebulous details potentially osbcured by the numerous stars in the frame.

  • 12h30’ Ha
    10h40’ Sii
    10h50’ Oiii

  • 600 seconds, 120 gain, 0°C, 2x2 bin

  • Imaging cam - ZWO asi294mm pro

    Filter - Antlia 3nm SHO filters

    Guiding cam - ZWO asi290mm mini

    Imaging scope - Celestron edge 8HD

    Guidescope - Celestron OAG

    Mount - EQ6-R Pro

    Acquisition software: NINA

    Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop

  • Montreal, Canada (Bortle 9)

  • December 28th, 2023